Global Open House 13 Nov 2020

BASF’s Toastmasters Clubs all over the World organize an online “Open House” on Friday 13 November 2020. The events will start 11am CET in Malaysia, transfer to Germany (1pm CET) and finish in North America (3pm CET). The whole event will focus on Leadership – Communication – Networking – Education with speakers of diverse cultural and professional background sharing their perspective on these topics.
Four speakers will represent BASF Toastmasters Ludwigshafen. Listen to Rolf’s speech about “Connecting with People”. Learn with Martin “How to Conduct Productive Meetings”. “Get Better at Impromptu Speaking” by joining Melanie. Or find out with Jan Lukas “Why Al Won’t Take Over the World (Yet)!“.
All of the speeches and discussions can be found here. The “Open House” is an online event conducted on a WebEx platform. Please contact Weng Khong or Martin for access details!