07 Jan

BASF Toastmasters in 2014

Dear colleagues and Toastmasters,

best wishes for 2014! Perhaps one of your New Year’s resolutions is to improve your communication skills? Well, you will have to be patient until the end of January because our first meeting this year will be on Monday 01/27.

Everyone is welcome and will participate actively e.g. in Table Topics, presenting the joke of the evening or giving valuable feedback. As a Toastmaster you can proceed in the competent communication program by presenting a prepared speech.

As we want to become a regualar Toastmasters Club: Please spread the word by forwarding this message. Let us know if you need some hardcopies of flyers or material to promote our club to your fellow colleagues.

03 Jan

That’s worth mentioning: New Year’s resolutions

Thinking about a professional development, organising a family reunion, a new hobby? How about becoming a Toastmaster and improving your public speaking skills?

Twice a month members of BASFToastmasters improve their communication skills in many ways. Every club member works step by step through the program of competent communication and competent leadership at his / her own pace. This way everyone becomes more confindent in talking in front of a group. The feedback by every member and the speech evaluations help to identify opportunities for improvement and existing rhetorical skills. Furthermore speaking spontaneously can be learned by participating in Table Topics — short impromptu speeches given on a keyword or a question.

BASFToastmasters belongs to Toastmasters International. Toastmasters was founded in 1924 in the United States. The well-proven Toastmasters concept allows you to learn communication and leadership . Membership in a Toastmasters club is unique and different from other offers of rhetoric training. Good news: If you want to join BASFToastmasters, you only have to pay as little as 6 EUR a month.

Every BASF employee who is interested to get to know Toastmasters is welcome to visit us. Our regular meetings in 2014 start on January 27th. From that on we me meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

25 Sep

Brochure: More information about BASF Toastmasters & Toastmasters International

We’ve made a little brochure to tell you more about Toastmasters International and the club at The Chemical Company. Read more inside about your benefits of membership, how we conduct the regular Toastmasters’ meetings and about the communication and leadership track.





19 Sep

BASF Toastmasters starts successfully

On Sep 12th 2013 the Toastmasters at The Chemical Company had the very first meeting. With strong support of Mannheim’s Toastmasters the organizers were able to set up a full agenda. In a positive and friendly atmosphere people who are new to Toastmasters could experience the different parts of a Toastmasters’ evening.

By answering the question “Which item, object or matter has played an important role to you during the last days?” in our round table everybody could improve his / her speaking skills. Furthermore some of the participants had the opportunity to take part in a table topic session. Simple but striking was the idea of our Table Topic Master: Handing over a coin she asked the participant what happened to him / her in the year of the coinage — interesting and entertainig stories came out.

Hye Jin and Patricia presented different speeches of the manual “Competent Communication”. The audience could listen to the experience when visiting Germany for the first time and finding out that there is so much more to discover than just poets and thinkers. Furthermore we learned how ones posture can influence the self confidence.

BASFToastmasters will continue the series of meetings to start a club at BASF. Everyone is welcome to join and to make the Toastmasters experience.

15 Aug

Flyers and material now available

To provide you with some information about BASFToastmasters we’ve designed an invitation flyer for the first meetings and a flyer with some general information about Toastmasters and what you can expect at our club. Of course you can download them or get in contact with us and we will send you a couple of hard copies. And if you are curios about the first speech project of a Toastmaster you can have a look at the Ice Breaker.

04 Aug

Improve your public speaking skills at BASFToastmasters

Get to know Toastmasters International and the regular club meetings held on site at BASF in Ludwigshafen. During our first evening sessions we want to explain the idea behind Toastmasters and show how you can improve your public speaking skills. Each meeting will include

  • a warm up session to get to know each other,
  • Table Topics ® short impromptu speeches presented by the participants (no preparation in advance needed),
  • prepared speeches presented by experienced Toastmasters,
  • feedback on prepared speeches,
  • more information about Toastmasters International.

Meeting information:
Thu Sep 12th, 2013
Thu Sep 26th, 2013
Mon Oct 14th, 2013
Mon Oct 28th, 2013
starting at 6:15 pm for a duration of about 1 1⁄2 hours;
BASF SE, Ludwigshafen,
C104, room 240 (2nd floor), next to gates 1/2/7.
If interested, please contact us by e-mail or phone.