Election of Club Officers 2021/2022

Dear BASF Toastmasters,
Many of you already know that we are going to elect our new officer team for the term 2021-2022 soon. Right now we are 10 in total. 7 of you are going to pick up an officer role to help our club grow and to achieve its goals. While some of you already informed us about his favorite officer role, we are looking forward to receiving the messages from the others for these seven roles listed below.
- President: for the team building
- VP Education: for planning and organizing the club meetings
- VP Membership: for recruiting
- VP Public Relations: for propagating
- Treasurer: for budgeting
- Secretary: for record keeping
- Sergeant-at-Arms: for logistics and office support
If you are not only interested in practicing your public speaking with the Toastmasters by attending our biweekly meetings, but also interested in practicing your leadership skills which requires communication, follow up, responsibility and many other qualities, then please reach out to us and indicate which role you volunteer for.
Our club election will be on 28. June. You are invited to attend this event in the beautiful Ebert Park Ludwigshafen (close to the Tor 2), no matter you want to vote or to be voted or just want to enjoy this wonderful summer weather and mingle with the others. Those members who delivered his icebreaker speech or achieved his 1st/2nd level in the pathways or achieved his CL/ALB/ACB/ACS last year will have the opportunity again to obtain his plaques. We hope to see you all on 28. June in the Ebert Park and have a good time until then!