22 Apr

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

On 04 May 2020 Toastmaster Lei Du-Cuny will conduct an online workshop on her way to achieve Advanced Communicator Gold status. In this workshop, we will look at the definition of leadership, discover our present leadership skills, see how our skills are perceived by others and learn how we can become better leaders.

You are welcome to register through easySPEAK https://tmclub.eu/view_meeting.php?t=142293 .

25 Mar

Save the date: “How to conduct productive meetings”

Meetings are a vital communication tool. They produce understanding, eliminate confusion, generate ideas, stimulate action, clarify goals and objectives, define roles and responsibilities, solve problems, and disseminate information. In many of today‘s organizations, decisions are made in meetings, not by individuals.

How you benefit
On the way to achieve ACG status I will coordinate this workshop where you . . .

  • learn the basic steps to ensure a productive meeting
  • hear about the details to make a meeting efficient
  • exercise leadership techniques in conducting a meeting.

Save the date
You are invited to participate in this special event at BASF Toastmasters!
Mon 6 May 2019, 17:50 – 19:40, J660 (BASF site)
Invitations will be sent out by e-mail in April 2019.

Please let me know if you have further questions — contact through http://basf-toastmasters.com/contact/