26 July: Our 1st offline meeting in 2021

Dear BASF Toastmasters and Guests
You are cordially invited to our next Toastmasters meeting on 26 July 2021. Please do join us for the “Meet and Greet” session at 17:45. The meeting itself will start at 18:00.
Please check the agenda on EasySpeak . There are still several roles left. Grab them as soon as you can!
If you are interested in joining the meeting online by Skype please let us know to get the access code. We look forward to welcoming you and spending a wonderful, entertaining and productive evening together. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
You are welcome to join the meeting as an external visitor, please take a look at the meeting information.
Coronavirus: Precautionary measures at Ludwigshafen site
- names of participants will be kept to identify possible contacts in the event of a COVID-19 infection
- wear a medical or FFP2 face mask when entering the building
- if the meeting room doesn’t allow a distance of >1,5m to each other a face mask is mandatory