The Biggest Toastmaster Event in 2021

Dear Toastmasters ,
- the english Key-note speech from the 2013 World Champion of Public Speaking Pres Vadilev
- the German Key-note Speech from extreme Alpine Mountaineer David Göttler (who I got to interview personally and hear about his spine chilling experiences on Mount Everest)
- eminent Panelists from District 95
- 14 Workshops from eminent Toastmasters, With over 10 Exhibitions at the Expo booth
- talented Toastmasters exhibiting their talent at the gala night
I have seen the preparations take shape slowly over a year of rigorous effort from so many Toastmasters in District 95.
Being a part of the Organizing Committee from start to end, I have seen our dreams of organizing a 350+ in presence conference shatter because of Corona and then like the Phoenix how we re-built our dreams from its ashes to have now organized this Conference online where 400+ Toastmasters are now participating from Germany, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. If you still haven’t registered here, you are missing out big time on a plethora of programmes and networking opportunities that the TM District Conference 2021 has to offer between May 7th – May 9th 2021.
Register now (from private browser) for the event by clicking
Thanks and regards
Piyali Bhaumik IP5, DL3, Area Director F1 2020-2021
Head of Innovation and PR – District 95 Conference 2021
President, Deutsche Börse Toastmasters (DBTM)
District 95, Div F, Area F3.
Toastmasters International
Where Leaders Are Made
“Let’s grow together”