03 Jul

Meet the BASF Toastmasters Dream Team 2024/2025

From July 2024 to June 2025, these spirited leaders will sprinkle magic over our meetings like confetti at a celebration. Let’s unveil their roles:

Harald BĂĽhrer – Club President: The “Captain of Charisma,” steering the ship of eloquence, inspiration, and fellowship!
Fabian Wolff – VP Education: Our “Mastermind Maven” – weaving meeting agendas like a wizard, ensuring every speech sparkles.
Fabian Wolff – VP Membership: The “Enthusiasm Ambassador” – luring new members with charm and a cordial handshake.
Karsten Höflein – VP Public Relations: The “Word Whisperer” – crafting eloquent announcements, turning mundane into marvelous.
Thomas R. Rooney – Treasurer: The “Coin Conjurer” – balancing budgets with flair, making numbers dance the cha-cha.
David Jocher – Secretary: An “Ink Sorceress” – recording club history in invisible ink (just kidding, it’s digital).
Thomas R. Rooney – Sergeant-at-Arms: Our “Logistics Luminary” – arranging chairs, pens, and cosmic alignment for flawless meetings.

Wanna contact them directly? Go to http://basf-toastmasters.com/contact/
Wanna meet them personally? Visit our next Meeting!

23 Jun

A Decade of Empowered Communication

Celebrating a significant milestone, the BASF Toastmasters Club marks its 10th anniversary as an official member of the global Toastmasters Community. Over the past decade, this vibrant club has been instrumental in fostering a supportive environment where professionals at BASF and members from outside of BASF have enhanced their public speaking and leadership skills. Through regular meetings, workshops, and speech contests, members have embraced continuous learning and personal growth. The club’s success is a testament to its commitment to the Toastmasters ethos, empowering individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Today, we celebrate a decade of growth, eloquence, and fellowship. Congratulations, BASF Toastmasters, on ten years of excellence!

16 May

Turn up the Heat on Your Public Speaking Skills

Are you ready to turn up the heat on your public speaking skills? Look no further than BASF Toastmasters this May and June! Here’s why:

  • May: The Month of Blooming Confidence
    Just like spring flowers, your confidence blossoms in May. Stand tall, embrace the podium, and watch your fears wilt away.
    Bonus: If you stumble, blame it on the pollen. It’s a natural excuse!
  • June: The Month of Sun-Kissed Eloquence
    Longer days mean more time to practice. Imagine the sun cheering you on during your speeches!
    Plus, sunscreen doubles as a speech timer. Apply SPF 30, and you’ve got a 30-minute talk.
  • The BASF Toastmasters Secret Ingredient: Laughter
    The secret ingredient of laughter at a Toastmasters Club meeting is its power to relieve stress, boost engagement, and enhance creativity and collaboration1. It’s like adding a pinch of humor to every speech!

So, join us at BASF Toastmasters this May and June. Remember, the only thing more powerful than a well-crafted speech is a good punchline!

14 Feb

Where Public Speaking Skills Take Center Stage

If you find yourself stumbling over words or feeling uneasy when speaking in front of an audience, BASF Toastmasters is the perfect platform to hone your public speaking skills. As a part of the global Toastmasters International network, the Ludwigshafen club provides a supportive and encouraging environment for individuals to develop their communication, leadership, and presentation abilities.

At BASF Toastmasters, members come together to improve their public speaking skills through a series of structured programs and activities. Our next meeting will be on August 12, 2024, 17:30 - 19:30. From impromptu speeches to prepared presentations, participants have the opportunity to engage in various speaking opportunities that allow them to practice and refine their communication techniques. Constructive feedback from fellow members and designated mentors further strengthens the learning process, ensuring that individuals receive valuable insights to enhance their speaking prowess.

Diversity and inclusivity are fundamental pillars at our Toastmasters Club. We welcome individuals from all backgrounds, ages, and professions, fostering an environment where everyone’s unique perspectives and experiences are valued. This diversity not only enriches the learning experience but also reinforces the understanding and appreciation of different communication styles, ultimately contributing to the overall growth and development of each member.

Whether you aim to become a more confident public speaker, elevate your leadership skills, or simply connect with like-minded individuals on a journey of self-improvement, for BASF employees and externals we offer a welcoming space for personal and professional growth. By becoming a part of our community, you can embark on a transformative journey that empowers you to conquer your fear of public speaking and unleash your true potential.

16 Dec

Start 2024 with us!

As the year comes to an end, we would like to extend our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone. We hope that the new year brings you joy, happiness, and success in all your endeavors. We also invite you to visit the BASF Toastmasters club in 2024 to enhance your public speaking skills.

The club meetings are a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and have fun. So why not join us on our first meeting on January 08, 2024 and see what we’re all about? And if you miss this one no worries, we meet every 2nd and 4th Monday each month.

23 Jun

Fabian, Harald, Karsten and Zeyue will lead the Club 2023/2024

Every club needs leaders who can work with and motivate others to move the club forward. Electing these club officers is an important aspect of a club’s success. For the upcoming time our club has identified and elected four people, who will manage BASF Toastmasters’ activities in the future. Feel free to contact us in case you have further questions regarding Toastmasters or especifically our club! We are looking forward to see you at our next meeting on August 12, 2024, 17:30 - 19:30.

01 Jan

Welcome to 2022!

Dear fellow Toastmasters and Guests

the year of 2022 has just started and this can be the year where you make the important step to become a better speaker and presenter? We welcome you to participate actively in our meetings in January! Join in from wherever you are because this month will only be online meetings!

Meetings on Monday 10th and 24th Januaray will open on 17:45 and last until ca. 19:30 including a small break.

Want to prepare a speech or short presentation? Use easySPEAK  to enroll for your favorite activity or contact  us! You don’t believe online presentations can be fun?! Then you simply must participate!!

Yours Club Officers, BASF Toastmasters

27 Apr

How to Survive Table Topics (10 May 2021)


Are you the one on the stage to answer the Table Topics® Master’s question? Sweaty hands and a hot head? No words in mind? No idea how to fill the next two minutes?

You’ve got the chance to find out more about Table Topics® and how to approach the successful delivery of an entertaining speech. Have a look at some strategies and methods that help you to find the right words.

Overcome the scary ideas in your hot head that are slowing you down in being an excellent impromptu speaker! Join in to our workshop by registering  →here.

27 Apr

The Biggest Toastmaster Event in 2021

Dear Toastmasters ,


  • the english Key-note speech from the 2013 World Champion of Public Speaking Pres Vadilev
  • the German Key-note Speech from extreme Alpine Mountaineer David Göttler (who I got to interview personally and hear about his spine chilling experiences on Mount Everest)
  • eminent Panelists from District 95
  • 14 Workshops from eminent Toastmasters, With over 10 Exhibitions at the Expo booth
  • talented Toastmasters exhibiting their talent at the gala night

I have seen the preparations take shape slowly over a year of rigorous effort from so many Toastmasters in District 95.

Being a part of the Organizing Committee from start to end, I have seen our dreams of organizing a 350+ in presence conference shatter because of Corona and then like the Phoenix how we re-built our dreams from its ashes to have now organized this Conference online where 400+ Toastmasters are now participating from Germany, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. If you still haven’t registered here, you are missing out big time on a plethora of programmes and networking opportunities that the TM District Conference 2021 has to offer between May 7th – May 9th 2021.

Register now (from private browser) for the event by clicking https://d95-conference.org/#registration

Thanks and regards
Piyali Bhaumik IP5, DL3, Area Director F1 2020-2021
Head of Innovation and PR – District 95 Conference 2021
President, Deutsche Börse Toastmasters (DBTM)
District 95, Div F, Area F3.
Toastmasters International
Where Leaders Are Made
“Let’s grow together”