19 Feb

Renew your membership now and be with BASF Toastmasters until September

Dear fellow Toastmasters

currently we are still meeting online — so participation in our Toastmasters meetings is just one click away! As you have been with BASF Toastmasters in the past I’d like to share a look at our upcoming (educational) activities in the next time:    

  • 08. Feb “Develop (with) Toastmasters”
    We would like to get your needs to develop skills regarding communication and leadership — this session will be moderated by experienced Toastmasters from neighboring clubs
  • 22. Feb “The Classic”
    Toastmasters meeting with presentations of new members and power members
  • 08 March “To be prepared or not to be prepared”
    We are going to focus on Table Topics and “Off the Cuff” speeches and offer one slot for a prepared speech
  • 22 March “Workshop”
    Area F1 Toastmasters show you how to improve leadership and feedback skills
  • April 2021 “Flower Power”
    Inviting you to visit the Flower Festival in Freinsheim
  • Mai 2021 “Spring Into Action”
    Debating / speaking with mic / Table Topics® Gala / upside-down-meeting, last year we had to cancel our series of meetings with an extra portion of fun and learning so we hope we can make it happen this year!

All of us are looking forward to have personal meetings at Toastmasters again. Nevertheless once we will meet face to face again we plan also to include those members who have diffculties to reach out to BASF Ludwgishafen site all the time. In September 2020 we already had successful “hybrid meetings”, we want to continue doing so and invite members to join us by computer  wherever they are.       

Please contact our Vice President of Education Lei or me if you have further questions.      

Reinstating or renewing your membership is easy. To do so we kindly ask you to remit 6 x 8 EUR / month = 48 EUR (2021-04–2021-09) to our account!

17 Jan

BASF Toastmasters meets Sherlock Holmes

Dear BASF Toastmasters and guests,

You are cordially invited to our next special online meeting, details as followed:
What: Virtual Escape Room – online game
When: Monday, 25 January 2021, 17:45 CET
Where: Skype (contact us for access details)

Please note that the game is optimized for laptops/ desktops and can be played on all standard browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox…). Pen and paper are not required but could come handy.
We would appreciate if you could confirm your participation beforehand, so that we can make the necessary technical preparation.

13 Jan

Toastmasters Leadership Institute 2021

Leading effectively is essential to guiding your club through challenging times. The Toastmasters Leadership Institute is providing club officers and members with a variety of excellent training sessions and workshops to choose from. You will have the opportunity to build your own schedule according to your needs. In these workshops, a line-up of outstanding trainers will provide you with educational insights rarely available.

In interactive sessions, you will gain valuable leadership skills and tools. As a club officer, you will be prepared for the second half of your term through participating in club contest and club quality training. Pathways training will benefit your personal and professional life, helping you to build your life and career. A particular emphasis will be put on leaders’ speeches and their ability to speak wisely when asked out of the blue. For our corporate clubs, we will have training available on corporate collaboration.

Studying leadership styles and how to work with them is an essential Leadership Institute workshop. The training plan will cover all the main topics needed to become a successful club leader. In the interest of the German speaking and bilingual clubs, training sessions will be available in both English and German. Any members who are interested will be able to join the Toastmasters Leadership Institute, since the Division F Team has decided to support future leaders.

The Division F TOASTMASTERS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE will take place on the 23rd of January, 2021, from noon to 6 pm.

13 Dec

Season’s Greetings 2020/2021

Dear fellow Toastmasters and Guests

Our last meeting in 2020 will be different. At the Online Christmas special event on 14 Decenber, we are going to unwrap our virtual Christmas gift, take a look into fellow members’ fridges and listen to an inspiring speech given by dam McConnaughy, President of Ramstein TM club. For those accepting the invitation, we kindly ask you to provide pictures of your (virtual) Christmas gift and your fridge inside & outside (yes!!)

For the start of 2021 we will firstly meet on 11 January.

Please note that these online meetings will be conducted on Skype. Have a peaceful holiday season and a happy new year!

Sincerely Yours
Officers 2020/2021 of BASF Toastmasters

21 Nov

Three Reasons Why

Are you looking for reasons to spend your Monday evenings virtually with us? Now, look no further.

Reason #1: Sharpen your virtual communication and leadership skills. Covid-19 has triggered a paradigm shift towards virtual meetings. Business trips, which deemed indispensable just a year ago, now look superfluous. Experts reckon that virtual meetings are here to stay. Without the luxury of body language to accentuate your message, your new tools for effective communication will be, among others, your facial expression and vocal variation. Also, explore digital tools with us and start impressing your colleagues at work.

Reason #2: Network virtually. At BASF Toastmasters, social distancing means socialise distantly. We are part of the global BASF Toastmasters network which consists of 13 clubs in Asia, Europe and North America, the Area F1 family (Rhein-Neckar) and the Toastmasters International. Whether you are a seasoned networker or networking newbie, our virtual meetings offer you a unique opportunity to polish your virtual coffee-break skills.
P.S. Join our Yammer and MS Team groups if you have not done so already!

Reason #3: Because you want to have a fun evening with fun people. Really, that goes without saying.

06 Nov

Global Open House 13 Nov 2020

BASF’s Toastmasters Clubs all over the World organize an online “Open House” on Friday 13 November 2020. The events will start 11am CET in Malaysia, transfer to Germany (1pm CET) and finish in North America (3pm CET). The whole event will focus on Leadership – Communication – Networking – Education with speakers of diverse cultural and professional background sharing their perspective on these topics.
Four speakers will represent BASF Toastmasters Ludwigshafen. Listen to Rolf’s speech about “Connecting with People”. Learn with Martin “How to Conduct Productive Meetings”. “Get Better at Impromptu Speaking” by joining Melanie. Or find out with Jan Lukas “Why Al Won’t Take Over the World (Yet)!“.
All of the speeches and discussions can be found here. The “Open House” is an online event conducted on a WebEx platform. Please contact Weng Khong or Martin for access details!

06 Sep

Summer Picnic 2020

We invite you for a picnic outside at the Rhine river bank on 07 September 2020. To us it is high time to meet personally again, you are also welcome to bring a friend or colleague who is interested in Toastmasters. Following these guidelines to us it should be possible in the current situation:


  • we will keep the recommended distance of 1.50m to each other
  • the names of everyone attending will be noted
  • install and activate the Corona App on your smartphone

food & drinks

  • though bringing and tasting food is definitely a fun factor at a picnic we ask you to bring and consume your own food,
  • sharing may be ok, if food portions are separetely packed
  • bring also drinks and your own glass / mug, nevertheless sharing a glas of cola or wine by pouring from the bottle should be ok

other equipment

  • blankets, pillow etc to make it more comfortable are highly appreciated
  • bring a frisbee or another outdoor game — it can be fun also to be a bit acitve

You did not receive a personal invitation by e-mail! Get in contact with us for details!!

22 Apr

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

On 04 May 2020 Toastmaster Lei Du-Cuny will conduct an online workshop on her way to achieve Advanced Communicator Gold status. In this workshop, we will look at the definition of leadership, discover our present leadership skills, see how our skills are perceived by others and learn how we can become better leaders.

You are welcome to register through easySPEAK https://tmclub.eu/view_meeting.php?t=142293 .

16 Mar

Cancelled: Spring into Action 2020!

The ongoing meeting restrictions due to coronavirus force us to cancel our spring 2020 special. We decided to postpone this concept to fall 2020 and hope to welcome you then for these face-to-face meetings!

In April and May 2020, we will host a series of special meetings that will boost your communication skills. For an extra portion of fun and learnig, join our activities that are creatively different from our well-known Toastmasters sessions.

27 April – Table Topics® Gala
A whole evening filled with impromptu speeches? Yes, please! Three Table Topics® Masters will prepare fun, creative and entertaining questions to test and sharpen your spontaneous speaking skills.

04 May – Characteristics of Effective Leaders (workshop)
In this workshop, we will look at the definition of leadership, discover our present leadership skills, see how our skills are perceived by others and learn how we can become better leaders.

11 May – Backwards meeting
With the agenda upside-down, all events have a new order. Yes, this means functionary reports kick-start the meeting. Speech evaluations go before the prepared speeches. Table Topics answers are given before their questions. It is a fun and rewarding exercise in impromptu skills and creativity. For example, make the speaker sing in the middle of his or her speech, have the lights go out in the middle of the Toastmaster’s introduction, or encourage guests to laugh like hyenas during the meeting. Imagine the possibilities!

18 May – The Art of Debating
Two debating teams will battle it out to convince the audience to support their view. Participate actively and train your argumentation skills in a constructive way.

25 May – Sound Great with Mic (meeting at / with John Deere Toastmasters, Mannheim)*
Whether you are speaking at an event, making a recording or being interviewed, talking into a mic is not exactly like talking without one. You will receive practical tips on how to use it, have the chance to present with a mic and get useful feedback on your skills.
*Location and time of this meeting will be different!

Meetings of BASF Toastmasters start at 17:45, J660 / R136

27 Nov

Season’s greetings 2018/2019

Dear fellow Toastmasters and friends,
Whatever is beautiful. Whatever is meaningful. Whatever brings you happiness. May it be yours this holiday season and throughout the year 2019.
It would be a great pleasure to see you at our meeting on 10 December where we will have our legendary White Elephant Gift Exchange, speech presentations of our club members and other activities to train public speaking skills. We also in invite you to join in for a glas of hot wine and seasonal food on Ludwigshafen’s winter market! 2019 will be perfect to improve your skills of leadership and rhetoric — visit our meetings on January 14th and 28th!