03 Apr

Spring is coming – meet Florian Bay in April

On 24 April 2023 Mr Florian Bay (DTM and Immediate Past District 91 Director) will give a speech at our Toastmasters meeting. We will meet at BASF site Ludwigshafen in building Q920/Room B186 and enable your participation also online via MS-Teams. As usual we will have at 17:45 a Meet and Greet and start the official meeting on time at 18:00. Please notice, that external visitors can only participate online via MS-Teams.

04 Jan

Our kick-off meeting 2023

Dear Toastmasters and Guests

All the best for the New Year 2023! May this year be your personal BASF-Toastmasters Year  with a lot of small and big improvements of your communication skills!
Please be cordially invited to our 1st BASF-Toastmasters hybrid meeting in 2023. We will meet on Monday, 9th January 2023 at BASF site Ludwigshafen in building J660/Room 136 and enable your participation also online (hybrid meeting).

The subject of the evening is the preview of the year ahead. What is your personal goal and how can BASF-Toastmasters support you to reach this goal?
See it as a homework to be done until next Monday 😊

There are also many roles to be filled – please feel free to take one of the roles to run a smooth and enjoyable meeting. If you want you can give your presentation in German as well. Please contact us in case you are an external visitor or have any other questions.

17 May

BASF-Toastmasters BBQ @Mannheim Luisenpark, 6th June 2022

Dear Toastmasters & Friends

After a long monotonous time without private Toastmasters events, we are very happy to invite you, your partner & family, friends and colleagues to our  “Summer Outdoor Event” at Mannheim’s Luisenpark on Monday 06th June 2022 at 17:45 hrs. We will meet at the BBQ area which is shown as No. 40 on the Luisenpark map. Please bring the culinary BBQ (meat, sausages, vegetarian grill food) for your own.  

We will send out a list for those who also want to bring a salad, bread, cakes etc. for the group. In a relaxed atmosphere with nice people and hopefully nice weather (1), we can practice our new skills: 

  • the Toastmaster will become the BBQ-Master; 
  • the word of the day will change to the drink of the day; 
  • instead of the ah-Counter we have a “who-spoke-with-full-mouth counter”; 
  • the general evaluator will give the feedback to the food, drinks, location etc. 
  • the “BASF Karaoke-Masters” will provide a good entertainment with KTV-Songs from ABBA to ZAPPA 

 Certainly we will have a most enjoyable evening — we do hope that you will have time to come along and have fun with us!!!  Please accept  Harald’s invitation by e-mail or use our contact form until Thursday, 19th May 2022.

The event will take place however bad the weather may be, let’s carry the sunshine in our hearts!  Nevertheless Luisenpark also offers some sheltered places.