06 Nov

Global Open House 13 Nov 2020

BASF’s Toastmasters Clubs all over the World organize an online “Open House” on Friday 13 November 2020. The events will start 11am CET in Malaysia, transfer to Germany (1pm CET) and finish in North America (3pm CET). The whole event will focus on Leadership – Communication – Networking – Education with speakers of diverse cultural and professional background sharing their perspective on these topics.
Four speakers will represent BASF Toastmasters Ludwigshafen. Listen to Rolf’s speech about “Connecting with People”. Learn with Martin “How to Conduct Productive Meetings”. “Get Better at Impromptu Speaking” by joining Melanie. Or find out with Jan Lukas “Why Al Won’t Take Over the World (Yet)!“.
All of the speeches and discussions can be found here. The “Open House” is an online event conducted on a WebEx platform. Please contact Weng Khong or Martin for access details!

30 Sep

Happy together!

This last Monday we had the opportunity to retake on site meetings again in BASF Toastmasters. After more than 6 months performing online meetings it was time to meet our fellow Toastmasters again.

Online meetings have its own advantages because they provide an easy access for other toastmasters around the globe to connect and interact with our recurrent team in LU. Connecting from home also implies a decrease in personal contact which given the current situation can be beneficial to avoid the transmission of Coronavirus.

This was one of the main reasons why several members of the club still requested the possibility to participate online (together with our on-site members) so that they would not miss the opportunity to continue improving their public speaking skills.

For this reason the club conducted the first hybrid meeting, connecting people from home with our members from Ludwigshaffen that were sitting in our meeting room. The meeting went effortlessly and the feedback received from our online-members was very positive and reinforced the idea that hybrid meetings are indeed a great opportunity to connect both worlds and facilitate that everyone feels included wherever they want to be.

Mondays meeting started with a short round of introductions and later continued with one of our members presenting a very nice well done speech about  happiness, having in consideration that the topic of the day was “HAPPY TOGETHER”  😊

We later continued with a short break and the “On-site” members got the opportunity to get to know a little bit better all new faces attending while also drinking coffee together.  Afterwards we performed a TABLE TOPICS session where impromptu speaking took place and members needed to create imaginary stories at the same time they were given different pictures about totally different unrelated topics. Many funny crazy stories happened there! It was a great evening and a happy reencounter for all our members in BASF Toastmasters!

07 Sep

BASF Toastmasters returns On-Site!

Since Covid started, our meetings have been affected and we haven´t seen each other as wanted! Now that the summer is ending, we are foreseeing a possibility to start our F2F meetings on-site again! We would be very happy to see your beloved faces again, taking the existing Covid requirements into account!

According to a TEDEx guys (they seem to know what they are doing), effective presentation skills reduce miscommunication, which is likely the biggest cause of work-related stress. That means better presentation skills lower the stress on presenters which means the successful delivery of the message we are trying to transmit, so let’s improve all together and show off what are we capable of!

Next meeting will be held on the 14th of September in Ludwigshafen (BASF) and we are really looking forward to welcome you all again.
Since BASF Toastmasters could not meet personally for so long we also plan to have a picnic at the beginning of September. Join in to see members and guests and spend a few hours outside at the end of summer!

29 May

Wherever you are in June — join our BASF Toastmasters meetings!

Dear fellow Toastmasters and Guests

on the finishing line of the Toastmasters’ year 2019/2020 we welcome you to participate in our meetings in June

  • Mon 8 June https://tmclub.eu/view_agenda.php?t=146197 Taimur’s speech about “Being a 90s kid” is already on the agenda, another speaker slot is open for volunteers.  Besides the meeting will consist of all “classic” elements of a Club meeting. We will finish with the Election of Club Executive Board 2020/2021.
  • Mon 22 June  https://tmclub.eu/view_agenda.php?t=146198
    We are curious who will provide an entertaining, thoughtful or informative speech. Furthermore some members will be challenged in impromptu speaking. After the feedback part of the meeting it’s “Time To Say Goodbye” to our Officers who have lead the Club in the last 12 months. And then let’s welcome the new crew!

Meetings will open on 17:45 and last until ca. 19:30 including a small break. Using the mentioned links to easySPEAK you can already enroll for your favorite role. Especially we are looking for people who want to proceed on their paths to better communications and will prepare a speech J .Invitations for each meetings will be sent out separately in advance.  

You don’t believe online presentations can be fun?! Then you simply must participate!!

Yours Club Officers, BASF Toastmasters

22 Apr

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

On 04 May 2020 Toastmaster Lei Du-Cuny will conduct an online workshop on her way to achieve Advanced Communicator Gold status. In this workshop, we will look at the definition of leadership, discover our present leadership skills, see how our skills are perceived by others and learn how we can become better leaders.

You are welcome to register through easySPEAK https://tmclub.eu/view_meeting.php?t=142293 .

16 Mar

Cancelled: Spring into Action 2020!

The ongoing meeting restrictions due to coronavirus force us to cancel our spring 2020 special. We decided to postpone this concept to fall 2020 and hope to welcome you then for these face-to-face meetings!

In April and May 2020, we will host a series of special meetings that will boost your communication skills. For an extra portion of fun and learnig, join our activities that are creatively different from our well-known Toastmasters sessions.

27 April – Table Topics® Gala
A whole evening filled with impromptu speeches? Yes, please! Three Table Topics® Masters will prepare fun, creative and entertaining questions to test and sharpen your spontaneous speaking skills.

04 May – Characteristics of Effective Leaders (workshop)
In this workshop, we will look at the definition of leadership, discover our present leadership skills, see how our skills are perceived by others and learn how we can become better leaders.

11 May – Backwards meeting
With the agenda upside-down, all events have a new order. Yes, this means functionary reports kick-start the meeting. Speech evaluations go before the prepared speeches. Table Topics answers are given before their questions. It is a fun and rewarding exercise in impromptu skills and creativity. For example, make the speaker sing in the middle of his or her speech, have the lights go out in the middle of the Toastmaster’s introduction, or encourage guests to laugh like hyenas during the meeting. Imagine the possibilities!

18 May – The Art of Debating
Two debating teams will battle it out to convince the audience to support their view. Participate actively and train your argumentation skills in a constructive way.

25 May – Sound Great with Mic (meeting at / with John Deere Toastmasters, Mannheim)*
Whether you are speaking at an event, making a recording or being interviewed, talking into a mic is not exactly like talking without one. You will receive practical tips on how to use it, have the chance to present with a mic and get useful feedback on your skills.
*Location and time of this meeting will be different!

Meetings of BASF Toastmasters start at 17:45, J660 / R136

22 Mar

Experience the Spirit of Division F Toastmasters

Dear fellow Toastmasters!

“Experience the Spirit of Division F Toastmasters” at the Division F Conference in Bad Homburg on April 28th, 2018! Help us to select the Division F Team for the District 59/95 Conference in Athens in May. For details and to check out the opportunities awaiting you, click here:
Early-Bird tickets are available from now on up to and including March 28th.

Part 1
09:00 Registration & Reception
09:15 Contest Briefings: Contestants & Timers: Main Hall (Upstairs), Judges & Ballot Counters: Classroom (Downstairs)
10:00 Opening & Welcome: Division F Director
10:15 International Speech Contest
11:15 refreshing break
11:25 “FIVE CHAIRS”, Emotional Intelligence made easy
11:50 Speech Contest German
12:50 Lunch Break at Pinocchio’s Restaurant
Part 2
13:45 Breathing, stance, & body language exercises
14:00 Speech Contest French
14:45 Evaluation Contest German
15:50 Evaluation Contest English
16:50 refreshing break
17:00 Announcements: Contests & Raffle/Tombola Winners
17:30 CLOSE

Good luck with the club and area contests! See you April 28th, 2018 in Bad Homburg!
Yours in Toastmasters,
Naomi Carrington-Hockman, DTM
D95 Division F Director 2017-2018

15 Jul

Toastmasters BBQ @ Mannheim Luisenpark, 24 July 2017

Dear Toastmasters & Friends,
we cordially invite you, your partner & family, friends and colleagues to our “Summer Outdoor Event” at Mannheim’s Luisenpark on Monday, 24 July 2017 at 18.15 hrs.

We will meet at the BBQ area which is shown as No. 40 on the Luisenpark map. Please bring the culinary BBQ (meat, sausages, vegetarian grill food) for your own. We will send out a list for those who also want to bring a salad, bread, cakes etc. for the group

In a relaxed atmosphere with nice people and, hopefully, wonderful weather(1), we can practise our new skills:

  • the Toastmaster will become the BBQ-Master;
  • the word of the day will change to the drink of the day;
  • instead of the ah-Counter we have a “who-spoke-with-full-mouth counter”;
  • additional feedback to the food, drinks, location.

Certainly we will have a most enjoyable evening — we do hope that you will have time to come along and have fun with us. Please accept Harald BĂĽhrer’s invitation (or use our contact form) by Thursday, 20 July 2017.

The event will take place however bad the weather may be, let’s carry the sunshine in our hearts! Nevertheless Luisenpark also offers some sheltered places. There is a fee of 1,50 EUR to enter Luisenpark after 18:00.




photo: 767655 / kl.ai / pixelio.de