23 Jun

Fabian, Harald, Karsten and Zeyue will lead the Club 2023/2024

Every club needs leaders who can work with and motivate others to move the club forward. Electing these club officers is an important aspect of a club’s success. For the upcoming time our club has identified and elected four people, who will manage BASF Toastmasters’ activities in the future. Feel free to contact us in case you have further questions regarding Toastmasters or especifically our club! We are looking forward to see you at our next meeting on February 24, 2025, 17:30 - 19:30.

04 Jan

Our kick-off meeting 2023

Dear Toastmasters and Guests

All the best for the New Year 2023! May this year be your personal BASF-Toastmasters Year  with a lot of small and big improvements of your communication skills!
Please be cordially invited to our 1st BASF-Toastmasters hybrid meeting in 2023. We will meet on Monday, 9th January 2023 at BASF site Ludwigshafen in building J660/Room 136 and enable your participation also online (hybrid meeting).

The subject of the evening is the preview of the year ahead. What is your personal goal and how can BASF-Toastmasters support you to reach this goal?
See it as a homework to be done until next Monday 😊

There are also many roles to be filled – please feel free to take one of the roles to run a smooth and enjoyable meeting. If you want you can give your presentation in German as well. Please contact us in case you are an external visitor or have any other questions.

21 Jun

“Double” hybrid meeting in June

Dear Toastmasters and Guests

Please be cordially invited to our meeting on Monday, 27th June 2022. This meeting will be our first double hybrid meeting ever! Hybrid means that on the one hand we will meet again in Ludwigshafen at BASF site in building J660 in room 136 and enable your participation also via MS-Teams.

Double hybrid means, that we are offering the opportunity to give a speech in German as well! So we welcome also those who would like to improve their German speaking skills!! Our English speaking Club Members continue their strong support with excellent speeches.

Let´s finish the ending Toastmasters year and also start the new term together at our meeting on 27th June 2022. You are welcome to contact us any time you want.

01 Jan

Welcome to 2022!

Dear fellow Toastmasters and Guests

the year of 2022 has just started and this can be the year where you make the important step to become a better speaker and presenter? We welcome you to participate actively in our meetings in January! Join in from wherever you are because this month will only be online meetings!

Meetings on Monday 10th and 24th Januaray will open on 17:45 and last until ca. 19:30 including a small break.

Want to prepare a speech or short presentation? Use easySPEAK  to enroll for your favorite activity or contact  us! You don’t believe online presentations can be fun?! Then you simply must participate!!

Yours Club Officers, BASF Toastmasters

16 Jul

26 July: Our 1st offline meeting in 2021

Dear BASF Toastmasters and Guests

You are cordially invited to our next Toastmasters meeting on 26 July 2021. Please do join us for the “Meet and Greet” session at 17:45. The meeting itself will start at 18:00.
Please check the agenda on EasySpeak . There are still several roles left. Grab them as soon as you can!
If you are interested in joining the meeting online by Skype please let us know to get the access code. We look forward to welcoming you and spending a wonderful, entertaining and productive evening together. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
You are welcome to join the meeting as an external visitor, please take a look at the meeting information. 

Coronavirus: Precautionary measures at Ludwigshafen site

  • names of participants will be kept to identify possible contacts in the event of a COVID-19 infection
  • wear a medical or FFP2 face mask when entering the building
  • if the meeting room doesn’t allow a distance of >1,5m to each other a face mask is mandatory
07 Jun

Election of Club Officers 2021/2022

Dear BASF Toastmasters,

Many of you already know that we are going to elect our new officer team for the term 2021-2022 soon. Right now we are 10 in total. 7 of you are going to pick up an officer role to help our club grow and to achieve its goals. While some of you already informed us about his favorite officer role, we are looking forward to receiving the messages from the others for these seven roles listed below.

  • President: for the team building
  • VP Education: for planning and organizing the club meetings
  • VP Membership: for recruiting
  • VP Public Relations: for propagating
  • Treasurer: for budgeting
  • Secretary: for record keeping
  • Sergeant-at-Arms: for logistics and office support

If you are not only interested in practicing your public speaking with the Toastmasters by attending our biweekly meetings, but also interested in practicing your leadership skills which requires communication, follow up, responsibility and many other qualities, then please reach out to us and indicate which role you volunteer for.

Our club election will be on 28. June. You are invited to attend this event in the beautiful Ebert Park Ludwigshafen (close to the Tor 2), no matter you want to vote or to be voted or just want to enjoy this wonderful summer weather and mingle with the others. Those members who delivered his icebreaker speech or achieved his 1st/2nd level in the pathways or achieved his CL/ALB/ACB/ACS last year will have the opportunity again to obtain his plaques. We hope to see you all on 28. June in the Ebert Park and have a good time until then!

17 May

Mind Mapping (part II) on 31 May 2021

Have you been to our Toastmasters workshop in March about “Mind Map & Creating Action”? Or haven’t? No matter, join in on 31 May and create a mind map by yourself! At first Martin will give you a very short introduction / summary about the principle of a mind map. And then it’s time to design a quick mind map on your own to a given topic. Following in small groups you’ll merge the individual maps to the group’s mind map and share the result. Furthermore this workshop offers small activities to be creative and speak.

Let’s create an atmosphere of fun and learning; Toastmasters and guests are very welcome to join in — please prepare

  • a peace of paper and a pen
  • a bell (!!) e.g. a bicycle bell, cow bell — if you have . . .

We kindly ask you to register  →here.

27 Apr

How to Survive Table Topics (10 May 2021)


Are you the one on the stage to answer the Table Topics® Master’s question? Sweaty hands and a hot head? No words in mind? No idea how to fill the next two minutes?

You’ve got the chance to find out more about Table Topics® and how to approach the successful delivery of an entertaining speech. Have a look at some strategies and methods that help you to find the right words.

Overcome the scary ideas in your hot head that are slowing you down in being an excellent impromptu speaker! Join in to our workshop by registering  →here.

13 Dec

Season’s Greetings 2020/2021

Dear fellow Toastmasters and Guests

Our last meeting in 2020 will be different. At the Online Christmas special event on 14 Decenber, we are going to unwrap our virtual Christmas gift, take a look into fellow members’ fridges and listen to an inspiring speech given by dam McConnaughy, President of Ramstein TM club. For those accepting the invitation, we kindly ask you to provide pictures of your (virtual) Christmas gift and your fridge inside & outside (yes!!)

For the start of 2021 we will firstly meet on 11 January.

Please note that these online meetings will be conducted on Skype. Have a peaceful holiday season and a happy new year!

Sincerely Yours
Officers 2020/2021 of BASF Toastmasters

21 Nov

Stay connected with Toastmasters!

The COVID-19 global pandemic is challenging us. Actions used to be harmless – handshake, hugs or just being in a group, now have potential to make us sick and spread the virus even further. In order to follow the government order, our club decided to move our Face2face meeting back to Online.

However, social distancing does not need to mean social disconnecting. Thanks to the Internet and today’s modern technologies, we don’t have to stuck at home alone, feel lonely and isolated. We can still keep seeing each other every two weeks via Zoom/WebEx to check on everyone and to keep our sprites light. We can even consider volunteer efforts to provide needed services in order to stay together, while keeping ourselves and others safe at the same time. As a team, we believe we can overcome this hard time easier together than alone. Thus, please come to join our Online Toastmasters meetings.

Please stay safe and stay connected.